This equipment is necessary to remove free fatty acids (FFA) in the oil. Neutralizer is compulsory for cottonseed oil and castor oil treatment. Cottonseed oil has higher FFA which needs to be removed by Neutralizer. Over the time, if FFA is not removed from oil, then bad odour will start from the oil. TO remove odour, it is required to buy complete refinery plant which is expensive & capital intensive project. So better to remove acid as soon as possible hence Neutraliser is important equipment. Oil heating is part of Neutralising process. For heating either steam is needed OR by electric heaters.
We supply two types of Neutralizers. One requires boiler and second does not require boiler wherein heating is done electrically.
Neutralizer is equipped with Spraying System, Open Steam System, Hot Water Injection System, Agitation System as per oil to be processed. While asking for Neutralizer you must inform us capacity needed & whether you have boiler OR not.
For castor oil treatment, boiler is compulsory.