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Palm Oil Mill Plant

Palm Oil Mill Plant, Tinytech Oil Mills


Tiny palm oil mill is not under regular manufacturing. Its machines are completely different from regular tiny oil mill. All specific machines for tiny palm oil mill will take about 6 months to manufacture even one palm oil mill. So delivery time becomes too long and for me it is not practicable to remain engaged for 6 months only for one tiny palm oil mill. To go on manufacturing regularly around the year is also not possible for me as I have more important activities of manufacturing power looms, hand looms, solar looms etc. And big investment is also not possible in palm oil mill machinery.

But I have a great concern for hundreds of small plantation owners of West African countries where impending invasion of giant palm oil mills is likely to destroy small plantations and monopoly of giant super rich industrialist may prevail over as they did in Malaysia and Indonesia. So I have sincere desire to become helpful to small plantation owners by supplying them tiny palm oil mills to produce crude palm oil locally at their plantations. So I have designed tiny palm oil mill of crushing capacity of one tone palm fruits per hour in which following equipments are there. (1) Sterilizer (2) Palm fruits stripper (3) Digester kettle (4) Palm oil expeller (5) Nut fibre separator (6) Oil clarifier tank (7) Steam engine for palm expeller (8) Steam engine for palm fruits stripper (9) Steam engine to drive alternator to produce electricity for small motors and for lighting (10) Water tube boiler to provide steam to sterilizers, digester kettle and all the three steam engines. As I am expert in steam engines, the whole tiny palm oil mill will become power independent not requiring any outside power. But problem is that total cost of the plant reaches to US$ 40000/- which is heavy price for small plantation owners of West Africa.

In order to solve all the above problems at a stretch, I have devised very nice scheme of Group Purchase of tiny palm oil mills. As per the scheme (1) Every mill buyer will get discount of US$10000/-. So tiny palm oil mill will be affordable to them. (2) I can produce 20 palm oil mills at a time and it will take about 5 to 6 months to me to manufacture 20 mills. So it will be cheaper to me to make 20 mills at a time. So I have offered discount of US$10000/- to everybody. (3) But how to collect 20 orders at a time? There is a potentiality of hundreds of orders. So somebody local person should act as a Coordinator who will coordinate to collect orders and make payment. The coordinator will get 5% commission from me for every order he collects. So for 20 mills, coordinator will get 5% X 20 mills = 100% amount of the mill. So he can get tiny palm oil mill free of cost as a remuneration of managing orders and payment as per my instruction. So my group purchase scheme is win win situation for all concerned i.e. mill buyers, coordinator and also myself even though I am giving fabulous discount of US$10000/- to every mill buyer.

Complete GROUP PURCHASE SCHEME is transparent and self explanatory. The scheme is given below.


I have devised the strategy of promoting tiny palm oil mills as under

(1) There should be one coordinator between me and between the tiny palm oil mill buyers in any particular country, which I call mill buyers. So I should find one honest gentleman fully dedicated to the common people and working for common people to create industries in rural area locally where small plantations are there. So I will appoint him as THE COORDINATOR of this project and he will act as my representative also in that country.

(2) He will contact plantation owners and explain them the benefits of group purchase of tiny palm oil mills. And he will explain the entire scheme how small plantation owners will be benefited by purchasing as a group

(3) Plantation owners will remain the owners fully of tiny palm oil machinery purchased by them.

(4) I am attaching here with two proforma invoices of tiny palm oil mill machinery. Proforma invoice no.1 is for US$ 45800/- (just as a sample) at present rates with steamer freight at which I am exporting tiny palm oil mill. I just exported one palm oil mill at this rate to Liberia before some time. Proforma invoice no. 2 is for US$ 35140/- with 20% discount to every buyer who will join in a group purchase scheme. So there will be direct benefit of US$10660 cost .

(5) Mill buyer has not to pay single dollar to THE COORDINATOR. I will pay 5% commission to THE COORDINATOR for all his services. So please note that you have not to pay any fee or any service charges to THE COORDINATOR. All the services or help or guidance THE COORDINATOR will provide to mill buyers will be completely free of cost.

(6) THE COORDINATOR will explain the benefit of a group purchase to every individual mill buyer and if you are fully convinced that you should join the group purchase scheme, then you have to simply give your letter of your consent that you want to purchase tiny palm oil mill by joining group purchase scheme. You have not to pay any money even a single dollar at the time of joining this scheme at the time of giving your consent.

(7) When THE COORDINATOR registers almost 20 mill buyers to purchase tiny palm oil mill by joining this group purchase scheme, then he will inform to everybody that he has registered 20 mill buyers and he will circulate to everybody to make payment of US$ 20000/- directly in account of our company AADHUNIK GLOBAL ENERGY manufacturer and Mill supplier. THE COORDINATOR may give you guidance and help you to transfer money in our account

When minimum 20 such mill buyers transfer the money, it will become my duty to manufacture all the machinery and dispatch to you individually in 4 months time.

(8) THE COORDINATOR will simply coordinate to connect you with me by WhatsApp group which will be jointly operated by me and by THE COORDINATOR and right from beginning by giving your consent letter, your name and address will be displayed in WhatsApp group and when you make payment, it will be displayed. All the manufacturing process and progress in manufacturing of equipments will be displayed by photographs and videos so that you will be in touch with me and observe what is going on in India about your machinery.

(9) When almost 75% work of manufacturing is finished then you will be informed by this WhatsApp group and by individually also to make final remaining payment of US$ 14640/- by transferring the amount in the account of our company as before.

(10) Dispatch will start first come first served basis and within 4 to 6 weeks all tiny palm oil mills will be dispatched. Order of dispatched will be the order of payment received. So whoever has paid first, dispatched will be first.

(11) Bill of lading will be in the name of individual mill buyers but consignee will be THE COORDINATOR just to facilitate easy delivery at your port. You have to pay import duty or any port charges whatever is officially charged by the port authority. You have not to pay any extra money to THE COORDINATOR for any services

(12) Then after taking delivery, you install tiny palm oil mill at your plantation place or any place decided by you. In arranging the machinery and any installation problem you may face, will be placed by you in WhatsApp group. We will give you answer individually and also as a group so that everybody can see what is happening. THE COORDINATOR will be in constant contact with you and until your machinery starts production and you are happy with palm oil mill. Upto that point he will be in your contact and then you can enjoy running your palm oil mill.

(13) In this scheme, there will be perfect transparency from the beginning to the end. THE COORDINATOR will be as a friend and coordinator just to facilitate procedures and formalities to place the order and transferring the money in our account etc. So he will be your helping hand. He will not charge a single dollar from you.




Palm fruit bunches are harvested from palm plantations and brought to palm oil mill where palm bunches are sterilized by steam in a cylindrical vessel. Palm bunches are filled up in the vessel and steam is introduced at the bottom. Sterilizing action is at atmospheric pressure for about 20 minutes. Then vessels are tilted from vertical to horizontal and sterilized bunches fall down into perforated trays from which water is drained out. These bunches will go to palm fruits stripper


It is very sturdy machine which strips off the palm fruits from the palm bunches. You have to simply feed palm bunches from one end of the machine and at the other end you have to take out empty palm bunches. Palm bunches are forced to jump by the revolving beater arms mounted on the 63mm Sqare shaft in such a way that palm bunches are jumping and falling on the beater arms again and again and beater arms are again throwing up by slightly revolving it and also by slightly pushing ahead. So by the heavy thrust of the jumping bunch on the beater arm, fruits are separated and they fall down from the sqare screen bars. At the bottom one conveyour is running which is collecting all the palm fruits and taking out from the bottom outlet. Entire machine is operated by 10 HP steam engine. Some expert say that without sterilizing process, palm fruits are not separated or only partially separated and hence oil mill will run in losses with only partial extraction of palm oil.


This digester kettle is mounted on palm fruit oil expeller and driven by the belt and pulley from the expeller. Digester kettle is a cylindrical vessel having jacketed bottoms. Digester kettle is filled up with palm fruits which are revolving because of revolving arms. So there will be uniform steam cooking. Vigorous steam is added into the palm fruits simply by opening steam valve. So all the palm fruits are thoroughly cooked heavily and become ready to liberate oil by pressing it. Then it goes by gravity to the expeller chamber.


This is most modern oil expeller having chamber size 230mm dia x 750mm long. It extracts oil from palm fruits instantaneously without breaking palm nuts. Oil liberated from fruits escape from the very thin slits and fall down into the oil tank having steam jacketed bottom to keep the oil in hot condition. The palm nuts and fibres are ejected from the side. There is a cone arrangement to adjust the gap. It can be adjusted in running condition of the expeller without disturbing the production. 20 hp steam engine drives the oil expeller and cooking kettle both. Oil expeller has crushing capacity of 1000 kg of palm fruits per hour or more.


This is very simple and efficient device for separating palm nuts and fibres. Mixture of palm nuts and fibres duly dried under the sun is fed into the hopper at the upper end of the inclined revolving cylinder made of wire woven screen. While revolving the mixture it is going ahead downward and fibres are coming out from the screen throughout the periphery of the cylinder. Palm nuts are discharged at the lower end of the cylinder. Cylinder has length of 1.5 mt. and dia of 40 cm. It is supported on steel structure on which electric motor, cylinder shaft, pedestals, reduction pulleys, belts etc are arranged to revolve the cylinder at slow speed.


This is water tube boiler which produces steam for sterilizers and also for digester kettle. Moreover if the palm oil mill is steam driven, then boiler provides steam for producing 40 hp for oil expeller, 10 hp for palm fruit stripper and 20 hp for electricity generation for driving various small electric motors for nut fibre separator, for boiler feed pump, for running mud pump for crude palm oil etc. So boiler will have the capacity of 1.5 tones of steam per hour at least. So boiler will be the most important equipment for power independent or steam driven palm oil mill.


This is only one vessel with rectangular or cylindrical shape. It is filled with mixture of oil and water and allowed to settle it. As oil is lighter than water, oil comes upward and water remains downward. The pure oil collected on the upper surface is drained through the screen into a smaller vessel with less height put into the bigger vessel. Thus oil is taken out from the smaller vessel which remains into the bigger vessel. This is called oil clarifier.